Wednesday 2 April 2014

Comparison of digipaks.

In today's lesson, my class learn about digipaks and why they are used. We learnt about how they are used in the music industry and what is included in them. A digipak is a way that the music artist promotes themselves. It can be in either 4 or 6 panels featuring an album cover, a track list, a close up of the artist, which usually follows a theme. The theme relates to the musician's album and body of work on the CD. As the song we have chosen in 'Domino' by Jessie J, I have analysed relevant pop artist's digipaks. This is so we can gain ideas about our own digipak and how to design it. It will give us a better overall idea and understand what is conventional of digipaks.

Below is an analysis of various digipaks from the pop genre such as Marina and the diamonds. As a female in the pop genre, she has the same target audience as us - teenagers.

I also chose to analyse Britney Spear's digipak as she is another successful pop artist. Additionally, i chose to look at one of her digipaks because she is a young woman and so her digipak could be conventional of women in the pop genre. Furthermore, it demonstrates the male gaze (Laura Mulvey). Below, I've embedded a Photoshop document where I've been analysed and compared her digipak to the others.

I also came across Rihanna's digipak for her album 'Loud'. What i liked about this digipak is how the three inner panels have been used to create one overall image. Like the Britney Spears digipak, it is demonstrating the male gaze as Rihanna's lips are slightly parted. From looking at the embedded image below Rihanna is denoted lying in a bed of roses with her fiery red hair. I think using the three inner panels to create one composition is interesting and something different. My group could try to experiment with using photography in the inner panels of the digipak to create a composition. We could also pick a colour scheme in order to increase the continuity and have a colour palette.

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