Monday 23 December 2013

Shot list.

Below is a shot list in which the group created together and it is embedded with the programme SlideShare. This part of the planning prcess was vital as it gave us the opportunity to plan out properly what we are going to do and how we want viewers to see the video. It will also make the filming easier as we can simply follow the shotlist so we know what's coming next. If we hadn't done the shot list, our filming would be unorganised and we wouldn't know how our video would look on screen.

Friday 20 December 2013

Storyboard of Music Video.

Below, I have used PhotoSnack to embed a story board for the music video, drawn by Simran and conjured together.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Padlet Feedback

Using an online website called Padlet, I have gathered a number of virtual 'sticky notes' that my peers and classmates written expressing their opinion on our treatment and idea for the video. It is important to do this as my music video will be aimed at the age and gender of my peers and so it is vital that I reach my target audience. They have left on my padlet what they think is good about my treatment and suggestions that I could include to make it better.

Created with Padlet

Padlet is a website that gives you a virtual blank wall, where you can attach anything to. I used Padlet to get feedback from my blog 

Monday 16 December 2013

Draft Treatment

Below is the draft treatment of my music video.The treatment consists of our ideas of what we should do for our music video, which we worked on as a group. We also planned what equipment and resources we would need. It is important to plan this music video so the group can be organised and we all know what we are doing when it comes to editing, so that we don't waste time improvising.