Tuesday 24 September 2013

Audience Theories.

In class we learnt about two theories called The Effects Model for Hypodermic Model by Croteau and Hoynes in 1997, and the Uses and Gratifications by Blumler and Katz in 1974.

The Hypodermic Model 
 This is about the media being like a type of drug, and then people get addicted to it. The audience is passive and so they are powerless to resist the messages that the media is putting out to the world. The media in a way control the audience and not the audience controlling what they want to see.

I understand that this can be applied to music videos because people can get addicted to a certain artist/song. Also, if young children see a music video. it is a natural thing for them to mimic what they see. For example they might copy the costumes or the dance moves that may be inappropriate for children.

Uses and Gratification
People use media because they want to. The audience is active opposed to passive and therefore we choose to use the media and consume what we want to. According to Katz and Blumler, we use the media for four main reasons. They are:

  • Information - Finding out about events, seeking advice, learning, satisfying curiosity/interest, and security through knowledge.
  • Personality Identity - Reinforcing personal values, following role model, identifying with people in the media and spirituality. 
  • Social Interaction - Finding a basis for conversation, identifying with others, gaining a sense of belonging, having a substitute for real life companionship, gaining insight into the circumstances of others, helping to carry out social roles, enabling one to connect with family, friends and society. 
  • Entertainment - Escaping, being diverted from problems, relaxing, getting cultural enjoyment, filling time, emotional release and sexual arousal.

I understand that this theory can be applied to music videos because we have power and the media do not control us. So we accept the messages that we want to accept and reject the ones that we do not want to consume. 

In class we watched the music video Time by Chase and Status feat Delilah. The narrative of this story was based on domestic violence, where the male was abusing the female in the relationship. It shows you how domestic violence can effect all members of the family. In the end of the music video the daughter calls the police and the male gets arrested and taken to prison. 

Referencing to the Hypodermic Model theory; it would apply to this music video as in it there are violent actions that take place that people will be unconsciously influenced by. Therefore, they may copy the actions that they see. However, the music video is quite positive, as it is used to create awareness for domestic violence and also offering guidance to those who can relate and show them what they can do about it. This means that they can seek help if they need it. There is also a dominant representation of women being weak and vulnerable, which enhances the stereotype that already exists.

Referencing to the Uses and Gratifications theory, the audience can pick up key bits of the video and be influenced by them. For example, they can ignore the negative violence, and consume the positive message of creating awareness for domestic violence. Also, they may see the girl as the role model, as she picks up the phone and calls for help. The helpline is also shown at the end of the video, where the audience can call for help if they are in a similar situation.

Beyonce - If I Were A Boy
The video opens with Beyonce and her husband saying a few word which include 'intimacy' 'honesty' and 'commitment'. It then shows Beyonce working as a police officer, with her supportive husband who is making her breakfast, however she ignores it and goes to work. Throughout the day she does things like ignores her phone when he rings her, and flirts with her male co workers, while he buys her gifts and avoids flirting with attractive women. At a party, after her husband gives her some earrings he's bought her, a guy flirts with her and she flirts back. It then cuts to the male letting Beyonce know how much it hurts when she does things like that. Furthermore, the table turns and it shows Beyonce crying. Then there is a series of shots which shows that her husband is the one doing all these things to her and she is in fact the victim, which is not that surprising.

The Hypodermic Model theory implies that people who watch this music video will consume all the messages that are potrayed through it. The main message in this is about the stereotype of women, and how they are taken for granted. The audience will be influenced by the way the man treats Beyonce, and Beyonce shows what its like to have the shoe on the other foot. It's a video that opens the audience's eyes to gender stereotypes. In this video, the male is percieved as negative and this may be influential to women as they may be apprehensive about entering a relationship with a man. This shows that women are being passively projected the message that men will cheat and deceive women in relationships.

The Uses and Gratifications theory implies that the audience can either choose to take on board the message that the video implies, or you can ignore it and not let it affect you at all. The message of the video is that men are not faithful in relationships and that they take women for granted. It was also shocking to see that it was Beyonce who was ignoring her husband, and then when the table turns it was more normal to see the male being unfaithful to Beyonce, which is in fact the norm and more usual to see.


Amy Smith.
Candidate number: 3155.
Studying at: Sixth Form @ Swakeleys.

On the course so far, I have studied TV Drama, analysing the conventions of what makes it a TV Drama, using elements such as editing, sound, camera, and mise-en-scene. we studied how different things were represented such as disability, ethnicity, age, gender and sexuality. The second part of the course was based on the music industry. We learnt the four parts of the production chain; production, marketing, distribution, and consumption, comparing how they are different between an independant UK label and a mass US label.

This year, my intention is to create a music video, a digipak and magazine advert for the digipak. I will be doing this with two other people in my group, Beth and Simran. The links for their blogs are:
